Our Pricing Detail & Plan Comparison

Our pricing is based on Malaysia Ringgit (RM). Price in USD maybe differ from the table because of current currency exchange. 

Details / Plan Trial Lite Standard Premium
Pricing (Per Month)
Free (1st time user)
RM49 / USD11
RM99 / USD21
RM129 / USD28
Facebook Account
1 Facebook Account Only
Up to 2 Facebook Account
Up to 5 Facebook Account
Up to 10 Facebook Account
Facebook Page
1 Facebook Page Only
Up to 5 Facebook page
Up to 20 Facebook page
Unlimited Facebook page
Bot Contacts / Subscribers
Unlimited Subscribers
Unlimited Subscribers
Unlimited Subscribers
Unlimited Subscribers

For (*) features above, you can check the details in the table below;

If you have questions about our pricing or plans, feel free to contact us.

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